Get to know the medical and administration team at Cuckoo Lane Practice.
Our mission is to provide an excellent, high quality health experience for all our patients. Our team are fully trained and compliant with NHS confidentiality policies and all mandatory training. We regularly run in-house team based training to improve our service to our patient population.
Our director is very active in shaping the local health strategy. She has overall responsibility for the running of the practice.
Julie Belton

Practice Management
Our management team are innovative and forward thinking to ensure the smooth running of the business. We regularly engage with patients through the patient participation partnership and welcome feedback to support the growth of the practice alongside the Director.
Myo Swe

Victoria Hamerton

Joanne Robinson

Nurse Practitioners
These are trained nurses who have completed a specific degree course to extend their role to include examining, diagnosing and treating, including prescribing, for a wide range of common health conditions. More advanced care of long term health conditions e.g. diabetes, prevention of coronary heart disease and referring to hospitals and specialists.
Julie Belton

Joanne Robinson

Maria Yates

Jo Ross

Sally Armstrong

Dr Pipan is our main regular GP but we also have some other regular GPs who work with us. Reception can advise who is working when.
Dr Sasa Pipan

Practice Nurses
Our qualified nurses have applicable skills in cervical screening, immunisations (including travel), contraceptive and sexual health advice, wound care and other aspects of physical care of patients in general practice.
They are also trained to support the management of long-term conditions such as diabetes, Asthma, COPD, cardiovascular disease and other chronic disease management.
Helen Nunan

Emma-Leigh Johnson

Health Care Assistants
Our Health Care Assistants (HCA’s) and Phlebotomists work under the supervision of our clinical team to provide care to patients needing a variety of physical tests and other aspects of care to support the management of long-term conditions.
This may include blood tests, ECG’s, 24-hour blood pressure monitors, injections for adults, simple wound care, spirometry, diabetic foot care and high risk drug monitoring, ear care, anticoagulation monitoring, smoking cessation etc.
Shahla Haidari

Victoria Hamerton

Pharmacy Team
Our pharmacist works to ensure your repeat prescriptions are administered safely within our two working day rule and reviewed appropriately to support your on-going health needs.
Kashif Ismail

Roulla Chandarana

Dafydd James

Reception & Administration Team
The reception and administration team are the first point of contact for all patients at the surgery.
Our experienced medical administrators are here to help you in making bookings, answering queries and directing you to the most appropriate service based on your medical needs. They will help you set up your patient online access and update your details so the surgery can keep you informed of new services. They also deal with much of the paperwork of the practice such as typing referrals, organising reports etc.
Ena Williams

David Lofgren

Jada Weir

Suganthy Sivanesan

Sadia Chowdhury

Daniela Pereira