Surgery Clinics

Below lists the clinics and services that we provide here at Cuckoo Lane Practice with our Nurses and Health Care Assistants.

If you would like to book one of these clinics, please contact us on 020 8567 4315.

Baby Clinic – with the Practice Nurse for routine immunisations.
Blood Tests – with the phlebotomist/HCA. You must have a form to let them know which tests are being performed.
Diabetic Clinic – with our diabetic lead for routine review of your diabetes. You will be invited for this. Please wait for your invitation unless it has been over 1 year.
Routine Health Checks – with Practice Nurse unless otherwise instructed.
Routine Immunisations – with the Practice Nurse.
Smoking Cessation – Please visit Smoke Free Ealing for help and advise on stopping smoking
Travel Clinic – Please visit our Vaccination Page for more details